GARDEN SEASON: One of the things I was most excited about when we bought the house, was the thought of being able to have my OWN REAL GARDEN! I stopped by the store on my way home yesterday and picked up some dirt, pots, seeds, and started planting. Since the ground is still cold, I'm starting my seeds out in thes

e little pots. In a few weeks, my dad is going to help me dig out a space in the back yard so I can't plant away! My mom and dad always have the best gardens in the summer, and I'm just used to going over to their house to pick up my strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. But this year... nope! I'll be working on my own garden, and harvesting my own veggies and herbs. I'm planning on moving the herbs inside once it gets cold, so I can have fresh herbs all year round. So far, I've started strawberries, peppers, beans, tomatoes, cilantro, rosemary, parsley, onions, and a couple more that I just can't remember. I will keep this page updated with the progress of my first garden. It could be photos of me preparing delicious dishes with my veggies and herbs, or it may be photos of some dead little plants. Only time will tell...

My next project... getting a compost going behind the shed!
Yeah you!! I love our garden too... late summer I hardly need to go to the grocery store!