If you haven't gone already... get in your car, buy a ticket and go to Target Field to see a Twins Game! Not kidding, this place will change your life. Earlier this week, my parents took me, my sister and my cousin to watcha game (I think they played the Indians). When I looked at my ticket, I saw that we were in section 3-hundred-something, and I thought to myself, "wow, these are crappy seats." But really, there isn't a bad seat at Target Field. And if you ask me, the higher up you are, the better! Looking down of the perfectly manicured grass, and getting to see the Minneapolis skyline, really makes me appreciate this city. We are so lucky to have this new field right in the heart of Downtown Minneapolis!

When we arrived at Target Plaza, I randomly bumped into TCL intern Kerry Wallace. But to make things even more random, Kerry and her family's seats were the row right behind ours! Of all the seats in the stadium, what are the odds that I'd be seated right next to someone I work with?! Very fun!
Other than the sights, the excitment, the newness of the staduim (oh yeah, and the game)... let's talk about the food! Going to Target Field is kind of like visiting the MN State Fair. At the Dome, the only food choices were Dome Dogs, Beer and ice

cream in little baseball hats. But at Target Field, you get to choose from turkey legs, corn on the cobb, burgers, fries, tacos, steak sandwiches, Cuban sandwiches, nachos, cheese curds... the list goes on and on! I had to make the difficult choice of what to eat, and I chose the CHEESEBURGER! The initial shock of the cheeseburger being almost $10 was a little too much to take, but trust me, it's worth every penny. As you can see from my photo, the burgers are HUGE and they come with a very generous portion of fries. This meal can easily be split between two people. I also tried the nachos, and my advice would be to skip it. We got the regular nachos, and the amount of cheese they give you for the amount of chips... not equal!

We also got to watch my little cousin, Nick Specken, sing the National Anthem with his class at Target Field. The HUGE screen that they have, makes it so easy for everyone to watch what's happening on the field. And the fact that the big screen rests right up against the downtown skiyline, makes it that much more perfect!
I'm pretty sure Target Field will be seeing a LOT of the Speckens this summer!
oh man.. im super jealous. i can't wait until colin and i get a chance to go! glad you had a fun time :)